5 Week Parenting Workshop beginning Saturday, July 10, 2021


Are you feeling overwhelmed as a parent? Not knowing how to support yourself and help your child? This is an interactive workshop series to help YOU.  We will go in depth to identify how you would like to be in relationship with your family and then clear the issues that are in the way with the energetic tools of Geotran.  This is a new way to keep your peace, connect with your own inner guidance, and parent from an empowered place.

Click here to register! 

Module 1:  Understanding what is really going on and what your role is in it.

Module 2:  Writing a new story: Clearing the old story of “How it’s been”.

Module 3:  Clearing projections and triggers; Setting everyone free!

Module 4:  Implementing a new system.

Module 5:  How to show up as an empowered parent; Detached with love.